Can ordinary kids change the world? Max Lucado and his daughter say they can. Whether we affect one person or millions, it is what God has asked us to do. The authors of You Were Made to Make a Difference explain that when you live in relationship with God, your actions, words, dreams and decisions all change in a good way. You begin living to make a difference, as God intended.
The book uses a variety of means to get the point across. From real-life examples of today’s kids and writing exercises to biblical references and suggested prayers, the authors provide a variety of avenues for kids to follow. The why’s and how’s of living intentionally are covered in non-threatening yet encouraging ways and backed up with biblical proof and encouragement.
As an adult, I found the book to be somewhat of a disorganized mish-mash of ideas. The content and focus were inspiring, but hard to follow. However, I am apparently showing my age, as the resident eleven year old loved the book and has asked to keep my copy. It stirred up ideas in her about how to help people, no matter where they are. It encouraged her that she is not alone and showed her ways to deepen her relationship with God. Based on the impact the book had on her, I recommend it to parents looking for a way to encourage their kids to walk closely with God and use their lives to make a difference.
FTC Required Note: I have received a complimentary or advance reading copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers in exchange for an unbiased review.