Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer's Gone Part 2 - Review of Flight to Heaven

OK folks, here is part two for today.  We'll go for a book review.  As a teaser, I have a review coming up on Sept. 10 of an absolutely wonderful book!  The publisher has asked me not to post it until then, but I will say I love, love, loved the book and you will too, so come back to check it out.

And without further ado, here is today's book:

Flight to Heaven
A Pilot’s True Story
By Capt. Dale Black

Capt. Dale Black is the lone survivor of a horrific plane crash.  Through a long a difficult recovery, he finds an unexpected gift of faith that sustains him.  Months after the crash, his fractured memory releases the source of that faith – a visit to heaven and return to earth.

There is no question in my mind that Capt. Black is a man of faith.  His journey since his near-death experience has been amazing and Christ-filled.  However, I have to admit that the book did not move me the way that I expected it would.  I am not convinced that he actually visited and returned from heaven, though I don’t doubt that he at least had a miraculous vision.  To me the question remains: what is more important to his message – his experience in heaven or what he did with it here on earth?  I would argue it is his legacy of experiences here on earth.  The “flight to heaven” part has a sensationalist attraction to it that seems designed more to sell the book than to encourage others’ faith journeys.

I do not regret having read this book, but it is not one that I can recommend to others as a must read.  For some it may provide comfort, but I think for many the focus will be less inspiring than they had hoped.

FTC Required Note: I have received a complimentary or advance reading copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an unbiased review.

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